1 June 2024

Come In, Pull Up A Chair…

Categories: Life
Come in pull up a chair featured

Hello, sun in my face.
Hello, you who make the morning
And spread it over the fields…

best preacher that ever was,
dear star, that just happens
to be where you are in the universe…
to ease us with warm touching,
to hold us in the great hands of light——

Watch, no
w, how I start the day
in happiness, in kindness.
– Mary Oliver –

garden lush

Let me tell you what has been happening here . I had such good stuff go down. A dental problem (teeth being in a way my Achilles heel!?) took 6 weeks to get resolved but it was resolved, sorted and I can now smile without a gap again. Our grandson came to visit for a week again. Oh, we had such fun! He visited a month ago as well, that was the first time since he and his mom had moved away soon into this new year, and I must say I felt tense about the visit. it felt a bit fraught, like so much depended on it. It was lovely but had that underlying tension. This time I was able to relax into it, to trust the bonds and the relationship and have it re shape itself. He is now heading towards 12 and it is just so interesting to see the maturity developing! But I am so grateful that he is still the hugmeister! I am always saying hey, come fill my hugbanks! You recall: I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!!


My grandson made this lovely screen for me

And then of course we are having elections!! We applied for special votes and voted on the Monday. All easy peasy for us with no queues but oh dear, we were asked to place our ballots in an envelope and seal it. All good, but my envelope wouldn’t seal. I licked and pressed and licked and pressed and then my husband emerged from his cubicle and said: Nooo, don’t lick, there’s a strip you have to detach and THEN press down! Laughed at myself no end! I am still in the era of ye olde timey envelopes! And now we have had the long queues. Got to give people here their dues. They will queue to vote, they will wait and vote. Sometimes I despair when I hear the so called born frees (those born post democracy) talk, and I think they just have no idea of what they were spared and at what cost. But a large young cohort signed up as new leaders and new parties and new voters. And still, and still too low a voter turnout!

The next day I had one of my happy phone visits with my cousin who lives up country. We talk about once a month but then we put our backs into it! Catch up with each other’s family and loved ones, weather, roses, politics and so much more. We, in every way that matters, grew up together and the way we lived and the place we lived is gone. It exists only in our memories and our conversations.

The land is still by farm and steeple,
And still for me the land may stay:
There I was friends with perished people,
And there lie they.
– A. E. Houseman –

Such a joy for the two of us to go there together from time to time, taste the food, laugh and laugh about the funny stuff we remember, remember with tenderness the ones who are gone, among them her brother who died at 18. And for me I am so very grateful that she is still here, she has survived serious illnesses, bad happenings but here she is, giving me so much joy and support.

And today was an outing to Cape Point to go and swim! Rained and stormed last night and low temps forecast but there was no wind and what a balm to the soul the swimming was! My husband walked while I revelled in the water, tell you, I was actually singing as I swam…singing is maybe stretching the truth a bit, but singing was intended!

Today too, let me say how I appreciate it that my husband can see the funny side of stuff! Love how his face lights up when he laughs! Yesterday I asked him what comes to mind if he thinks: treat? He said: milk tart! He got one!

milk tart

Eat, drink, be happy.
Accept the miracle.
Accept, too, each spoken word
spoken with love
– Mary Oliver –

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